Thanks for stopping by!
Just a lil FYI......I write here for me and me only. I hope to use this space to help me remember the good, the bad and the ugly!!! I may also voice my feelings on a few things here and there, if you don't agree with them, cool and please do feel free to let me know. BUT....(there's always a "but" huh???) be nice these are MY feelings and thoughts and it's MY blog so again be nice!!! Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you will check back often as I'm really trying to make myself post more often. Sometimes just writing things down help to get things off my chest so to say, and it does me feel better.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Final Mobile Photo Post #30!!!!!! Dave & I
Dave & I on our 25th anniversary in Canada, boy oh boy was it cold there!! Again this is an older photo but one I had been wanting to post for a while now just never got around to it!! Maybe this is the photo I should have used in our first date post. We had never been to Canada and really didn't know what we'd do there, as a matter of fact other than hotel, car and a helicopter flight on the day of our 25th we made no other plans and just sort of winged it and I have to say it was a fabo trip. We have only ever done that for one other vacation in our 25 years, and that was a trip to mid-west to see our son graduate from basic training!! We took two weeks to drive to Chicago and the sorrounding areas, again only for sure plans were hotel and basic graduation, everything else was just on a wing and we saw many great places!! I'd really like to do that heading out west, but we'll see how that goes. Dave enjoys knowing what each day holds but he did great on both of these trips so who know maybe he'll be up for a west coast trip after all!! I hope you enjoyed my 30 day mobile photos, again I might not have actually posted each of the 30 days but I did take a mobile photo everyday to post at a later time. All except the last two photos were all taken within the last 30 days. Now to get that visitors post finished and posted!! Be sure you check back it is truly worth it my friends!!! Hope you have a fabo weekend!!!
Mobile Post #29 Do People Not have Mirrors????
OK, I'm pretty proud of myself for completing this little project I set for myself to get back in the habit of blogging!! almost all finished and althought I might not have posted a photo every single day, I did take one everyday and posted at a later date!! This one is an old one I had wanted to post back in December. I realize I do live in the south and it's warmer here than other places but come on people this was taken on Christmas Eve and it was vdry chilly here that day!!! Just crazy!! Beat you can't guess where this gem was taken can you????
Mobile Photo Post #28 Way Cool Nails!!!
My nail person had this "crackle" stuff on her nails and I thought it looked cool so I gave it a try. It does look really cool but doesn't last very long even on gel nails, so I'd think on your regular nails it would wear off even faster!! It doesn't chip it just wears off really quicker!!!
Mobile Photo Post #27 Who is Walking Who here????
Sorry it's slightly blurry but I had been trying all day that day to get a photo of this!! Lola was on what a friend who works with dogs shared with me, it's called "Steady Point". Basicly the dog who has acted up gets a leash put on them while in the house (of course you'd not want to leave them alone with it on). If they are put on steady point due to agressive behavior than the agressor gets tied to something out of reach of the they were fighting with. Bascily I suppose the thought is so that they can see the other but not touch or harm. The agressor can see what "fun" everyone else is having and the next time maybe they willl behave as well. So far so good in this house it does appear to be working, I wasn't so very sure at first but I've surely changed my mind now. The reason Lola was on steady point this day?? She jumped our 6ft privacy fence, I wouldn't have believed it but the cable guys had just left and one was sitting in his truck on the street and saw her come over the fence!!! So once she came back home, steady point it was for her!!!!
Mobile Photo #26 Who me??????
Lola looking as if I'm bothering her!! Well to tell the truth I really was bothering her, but pay back is a bitch so they say!! She enjoys waking me up at 5AM daily, I'll wake her once she gets all comfy and all!! It took me until today to figure out why she wakes us at that horrible hour!! David gets up for work around that time everyday and I suppose even though she has been here since March, she is still on early AM wake up duty!!! Thanks but no thanks Lola you know Me-Me likes to sleep till at leasat 8:30 or so!!!!!
Mobile Photo Post #25 Sophie & Jake
I'm sure Jake is thinking, "Sophie keep me warm, please"!!!! All that fur you have it's not fair!!! Share with me, please!!! It looks odd to see ANY of our dogs on a dog bed on the floor. Normally they are upstairs where they are allowed on the furniture.
Mobile Photo Post #24 Just taking a walk!!!
Jake Rolland Vass, just taking a walk down the driveway, all by his big boy self!!! He looks so tiny walking around outside for some reason. He is spoiled rotten and thinks that every single time I go out the door he must go too!!! He is very good in the car, he sits in the back or front, he doesn't jump from place to place like some dogs do. Although I really truly need to get him a car harness/car seat. Our daughter has lectured me many, many times of the accidents she has rolled up on as a paramedic. Poor dogs either being lost of even worse killed or injuried!! I could never live with myself should that ever happen to one of my babies!!!
Mobile Post #23 Sophie where are you???
Sophie once again taking up So-Co and Jake's bad habits!! I had not ever caught her acutally up there until this day. I knew she has been up in there in the past while we were gone. The give away??? The pillows were on the floor and shape of the cushion. Sophie is the only one allowed out while we are away, she doesn't bother anything EVER!! She is really afraid of crates and since she had been abused early in her life we figured no use in possibly bringing back bad memories for her. I don't know who or why anyone would ever abuse this sweet little girl!!! If I ever got a hold of that person, they'd surely be in huge trouble with me!!!!! No worries Sophie Lousie you will be treated with nothing but pure compassion and love here!!!! She only weighed 26 pounds when we saved her!!! She is nice and fluffy now, even maybe slightly over weight but I never want her to have to have hunger pangs again so she won't be put on a diet unless it's a huge issue!!! She isn't really terribly over weight either as I know that in and of itself isn't good for her and we only want the best for her!!!
Mobile Photo #22 Bunny Eared Beagle
This is So-Co humoring me by wearing bunny ears way after Easter!! Funny thing is she will wear hats and handbands like this. She refuses to get up and walk around if she has any on. Guess she is afraid of being top heavy!!! Francesca, our dalamtian that passed away in October would also wear them but she would walk around with them on!! Man do I miss that dog big time!! She my buddy for sure!!!!!
Mobile Post # 21 I'll hold you down Jake
Lola always seems to lay on top of poor Jake. That's about 85 pounds on top of 8 pounds!! Jake never seems to mind either. I suppose with the storm we had last night she was afraid Jake may blow away.
Mobile Post #20 My four Corners!!
My four corners to say the least, these crazy dogs crack me up how they just chill in their own corners!! Just about every photo I take of them they are always in "their" own corner. It's as if they just "know" where they are supposed to be chilling. They are a ton of work at times but so worth it in the long run. I don't know what I'd do without them. I'm sure going to miss Jake and Lola when they move back home once this deployment is over!!! I'm pretty attached to all of them to say the least!!!!
Mobile Post #19 Sophie chilling!!!
Sophie chilling where she shouldn't be!!! She is so learning some bad habits from that crazy beagle!!!
New Look!!!
So I found a new look!!! I think I'll keep this look until our son is home from his current deployment!! It will be like this until at least March of 2012 or so, hope you like it. Also today I will be not only bringing my 30 day mobile photo posts current but finally posting the story of the horrible visitors. As they say you can pick your friends but not family, I'm good with just about all of our family for the most part. I suppose that saying something about fish and company beginning to smell after three days is pretty well true in this case!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Mobile Photo Post #18
Jammy "C"!!! That's what Dave calls our grand daughter Caroline!! She loves to wear headphones and listen to music, and she was wearing jammies at the time, so she became "Jammy C"!!! She will listen to any kind of music and dance, just too dang cute!!!! Much to my sorrow she LOVES her some of poppi's jazz!!! Me not so much, when she was a fussy little baby Dave would slip his headphones on her lil ears and she'd go off to sleep!! So we just had to purchase her, her very own Fisher Price MP3Player!! She loves the thing, we bought her a docking station to go with it and she carries it around often walking and dancing at the same time!!! Cutest thing to see!! That is one sweet lil girl!!! The photo is from back in early December. Have a great day and hope to have "the family visit" post up by tomorrow!!!
Have a great day.
Mobile Photo Post #17
It's a really good thing I don't drink because if I did I surely would have drank this entire bottle of rum while we had certain house guests last week. Man talk about visitors from HELL!!! They were worst than that for sure!!! Check back in a day or two for more on that horrible week we had with our company. The bad part or worst part about it??? They are family, not to mention my husband's twin brother and his wife. The saying, "you can pick your friends but not family oh so true, oh so true in this case in a bad way. Have a great day!!!
Daily Mobile Photo Post #16 Reese
Reese is doing a great job of vaccuming my kitchen floor for me. This is the sweetest little girl you could ever meet. Her mom is a single mom and works so hard as well as goes to school to make a better life for them both. I have the most respect for Bethany, Reese's mom, she has no public assistance nor child support, just good old hard work. Our daughter Melissa and Bethany have been friends since early HS years. Between Melissa and another friend Reese is well taken care of while mom is at school or work. Which means that Reese is often at our house and we just love it. Reese just turned two years old in late June, we were sort of late getting her gifts to her, but it didn't seem to matter one single bit to Reese. She played and played the entire time she was here, between swimming and running around playing with her new toys she was out before Melissa left the neighborhood. Reese is a job to have around, she is talking more and more every single day. I love her little voice, it melts my heart everytime I hear her. I have a rather long post I'm putting together about the horrible company we had last week, when I say horrible trust me it's horrible!!! Here's a small peak at how bad, Kayla and I came home from the grocery store to find Bethany and Reese sitting outside on our patio, Reese playing, Bethany crying. Melissa met us at the door to tell us Sandy my sister in law had woke Caroline up from her nap, then YELLED at Reese that she woke her!!!!! So Bethany felt really bad and went outside and wouldn't allow Reese back inside for fear she would bother someone. Well you'll just have to wait to hear the rest, trust me it was ugly and Reese and Bethany were both brought inside. I was fuming I swear right now I heart is racing I'm still so dam mad about it!!!! Who in their right mind yells at a two year old??? Who in their right mind wakes a one year old up from her nap less than an hour after she went down??????? My stupid prescription pill adiccted sister in law that's who!!!! Trust me it go real ugly and I'll fill you in on the details in a day or two. Be sure to check back it's worth your time, but first grab a drink it'll be a long one for sure!!!! Have a great day.
David Rocky, Sentor McCain and another MWD Team
First of all I have no clue as to why all these posts are showing up in random order, it's crazy. Blogger won't even allow me to leave comments to ther bloggers on even my own site. Sentor McCain and several others visited the troops on July 4th to thank them for their service. I don't like to talk politics, but Mr. McCain is a fabo man, I have read his books and truly enjoy reading American history, it's always been a great love of mine. I have read just about every president we have had and many VP's too. It's interesting to hear about what life was like for them before they become the big "dog". Have a great day.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Mobile Photo #6
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Mobile post #5 Me and Dave
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day #4 Mobile Photos
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Day #1 of 30 days of Mobile Photo posts.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Dave and Marie story!
Here is the post I’ve been wanting to blog about since way back on Valentine’s Day!!! It’s going to be a little on the long side so go potty, grab a snack and a drink and get settled for the story of Dave and Marie!!!!!
Way back on July 7, 1980, Dave and I had our very first “encounter”, we were at a party that a mutual friend was having. Large amount of beer had been consumed myself, Dave and my two very good friends, partners in crime! Much to my sorrow I as well as one of my partners in crime was out of beer and the evening was young. Friend #1, I’ll call Linda, had driven us to this great event but her car was blocked in and not easily accessible, therefore we were looking for a ride to the only liquor store that served said friend in the area. No one seemed interested in taking us, and then I spotted this very handsome cross country/track/star whom I had met many times on the CC course. Only problem was he is an identical twin, at that point in time I could only tell them apart by the tiny gap between the front teeth of one of them. Great he wasn’t smiling, how the heck do I know which one he is?? So bravely I walked up to him, now remember I was full of plenty of liquid courage by the time in evening. I approach said twin and said “which one are you Dave or Dan?? He tells me he is Dave, I’m not exactly sure why I even believed him, but you know liquor we all know gives us courage we don’t normally have. We spoke for a few minutes I introduced my good friend Linda to him and told her how wonderful he and brother were as runners and you know just made him feel really good. HA, he then told me he thought it was pretty cool I was the only female on my cross country team; you know making me feel good. I finally get around to asking him if we could use his car to go get more beer and that we’d be glad to share with him. He required Linda and I to take a “drunk test”, we both failed big time!! He then proceeds to tell us he had a 5 speed 1968 VW bug, well neither of us could drive a 5 speed in those days, so we said thanks but no thanks. We continue the task of finding a ride to obtain the much needed beer. Linda and I find this goofy looking dude who agreed to give us our much needed to ride. We walk outside to his car, which just happened to be a blue “Pacer”, anyone remember those preggo looking cars??? We drive to said beer store, go in and get the goods and are headed back to the party. This party was on an old country road that wasn’t very well traveled. We were quickly approaching the house and told this dude so; he didn’t seem to care much. Linda and I were both in the back seat of this Pacer, which if you remember are two door cars, made up of mainly windows!! Linda and I look at each other scared out of our minds, I tell her to follow me. I pushed the front seat up and opened the door and jumped out, beer in my arms of course!!! Next comes Linda on top of me, we are both tossed on top of each other in a ditch on the side of the road. I don’t really remember anything hurting at that time. As we are in the ditch I look at her and said, “where do you know that crazy dude from”? Linda tells me she has no clue who crazy is and that thought I knew him!!! Get the hell out of here, no way; we could so be dead right now!!!!! OK, we aren’t dead so why miss a great party, in we go back everyone wants to know why were are so dirty and bleeding??? So we tell our story to everyone around, Dave comes up to us at that time and tells me/us we shouldn’t take rides from strangers. Duh!!! He and I stand around talking and drinking beer for a bit, Linda goes off and leaves us alone. I decide at that very second I am so in love!!!! Time flies as it always does when you are having fun, and it’s time for me to be home!! Sucks big time, but I had a curfew, which all of my friends knew about and made sure I was home on time most of the time, because you know they had fun with me!! Dave rode to my house with my two friends, they lectured him about hurting my feelings and all that good stuff BBF’s say to a new “friend of the male variety”. Dave was fairly drunk by the time of the evening as well, I gave him my phone number numerous times on the way home, knowing good and well he’d forget it and I’d never hear another word from him!! That is sort of how it played out for several days.
In the mean time my BBF’s and I continued to enjoy our summer swimming, hanging out and working our little part time job for the towns’ recreation department. I was also baby-sitting these two little brats for a sick co-worker of my sister’s. Those kids were horrible BRATS!!!!! They made me say numerous times no kids for me, ever!! Like seriously they ganged up on me at two and four years old!! Just total brats, like while I’m getting them breakfast they got into the eggs and threw them at me, took OJ from me in their “favorite” cups, then dumped it on the floor, just mean little brats!!! They went to daycare during the day and then a grandparent brought them back to me around 6 each evening, this horrible job went on for several weeks that summer. On the weekends I had the brats 24/7, so a grandparent would come and pick us up and drop us off at a local lake/hunting club. The first Saturday we went to the lake who do I run into in the parking lot??? Dave or no was it Dan???? Remember at that point in time, unless I was close enough and they smiled I couldn’t tell who was who!!! Plus great whichever one it was, was leaving, oh no there goes my day for sure!!! I lug the brats down the sand and get them settled in for the day, I happen to look up and oh wow I see “another one” on the lifeguard stand!!! It’s my lucky day!!!! Brat #1 and brat #2 are fighting down by the water’s edge; next thing I know is brat #1 is screaming because brat #2 threw sand/dirt in his eyes, I’m telling you they were brats!!!!!!!! I take myself down to see what the problem is and of course brat #2 is screaming I didn’t throw sand in his eyes, I really didn’t, OK so now I know what the issue at hand was. I’m down at the water’s edge trying to wrangle brat #1 while boo-hooing, all the while brat #2 is saying he didn’t do it, and who comes to my rescue????? Of course one of the twins, it’s my lucky day!! He stoops down and says, “what’s wrong lil buddy”, oh how sweet he likes brats!! After much boo-hooing from brat #1, handsome lifeguard asked him his name, brat #1 says, “it’s David”, handsome lifeguard says, “oh cool lil buddy my name is Dave too”, really lucky day for me!!! “Dave” looks at me and says you don’t remember me do you”? My reply is I sure do but you have a horrible memory or you lie”!!! Well of course he asked why I said those things. Playing it off cool, so he doesn’t realize that I wasn’t sure which one he is, I inform him he lied or had a bad memory because he never called me. Well to my surprise the jackass spits out my phone number!!!! OH, OK I get you just didn’t want to call me, I get it!! This convo is taking place while the brats are both screaming now, so my fabo b/f to be, says “come on boys I know the person who works in stand up there do you want a Popsicle”????? So off they go, everyone comes back nice and happy and Dave I sit around talking while the brats pretty much played all day, yeah!! After a few hours it’s time to take brats back home, dam it all to hell!! My fabo lifeguard says, “can I call you tonight, remember I still have your number” my way too quick to not sound desperate is sure!!! Then I remember I have said brats to deal with!!!! I inform him of my little problems, and much to my surprise he asks if they have a phone at their house?? Um sure, here you go!!! Tells me he gets off around 8 PM unless it rains it will be sooner, great let’s hope for rain. That is until I find he drives a motorcycle, OK let’s not hope for rain and he tells me he will call me by 8:15. We leave and I hope oh so hope he calls me but remember that’s been exactly 4 days since we met and no calls so far, why would he call now?? Lucky me, he does call and asks if he can come and see me, oh yeah sure come on by that sounds great!!! Then I realize oh no, I’m baby-sitting and by 8:30 said brats #1 & 2 will be sound asleep, (the only good thing those brats did was sleep from the time you put them in bed until you woke them the next morning!!!). So I explain where I am and that it’s very close to my house where I was dropped off 4 days ago, and he says OK I’ll shower and be there by 9. We hang up and I freak the fuck out, oh no a BOY is coming over, I’m all alone, oh no it’s a BOY I really, really like, what the fuck am I going to do??? I call my two BBF’s and tell them all about it and beg them to come over, no sorry we can’t we made plans since you were tied up with the brats you will be fine, just don’t have SEX with him!!!! OH, holy hell that never even entered my mind, I swear, so I’m freaking out and my two BBF’s were so happy for me!!! Why you ask??? Because I was just getting over having my heart stomped on and turned inside out and stomped on even more by a jerk I just knew I was in love with and broke up with me because I wouldn’t have sex with him!!!! The next 45 minutes drag by as slow as freaking hell!!! Then I hear magic to my ears, I hear a motorcycle, oh yes I do!!!! Yes it’s my lucky day for sure!!!! So my fabo new b/f comes in and we sit around and watch TV, remember there wasn’t much on TV back then, only a few select channels and surely no remote. The evening flew by so freaking fast it wasn’t even funny!!! We talked lots about running and how different things were at my school vr. his school, I went to a catholic school, he public, a very scary public school at that!! We had many, many kisses as well as hand holding, fun times!! He finally said very, very late or early depending how you look at it, that he needed to go he was working tomorrow, yes another lucky day!!! I was taking the brats to the lake again!!!!! Quick prayer for now rain, I was on cloud nine, ten whatever cloud it was I was way happy!!! We end up at the lake and chatted on and off, then it was time to take brat # 1 and brat # 2 home for dinner and baths since it was “school/daycare day the next morning and work for me. He asks again if he can “come by” after work, that is if he doesn’t find anything else to do!! What a jerk, but still I’m in love and say oh yeah sure come on by!! That evening he tells me he is getting off at who knows maybe 6PM??? OK, so I take the brats home and hope the phone rings, well what do you know it does????? It’s Dave asking if he and his friend can come over and do I know anybody who might want to “meet” his friend. He tells me his friend is a year older than he is and that he looks like a blonde Tom Selleck. Um, OK sure I know someone who loves the guy. I tell him to come over and bring his “friend” too. I quickly get off the phone and call one of my 2 partners in crime, give her the scoop and she tells me she is as good as there!! OK, so our evening is set now!! They all come over, they don’t hit it off so well, but Dave and I never really noticed since all we did was make out all evening!!!! The next evening he calls and asks if he can “come by”, sure come. This went on for several weeks every evening while I was baby-sitting which seemed like forever. Finally the brats’ mom came home from the hospital; Dave and I have our very first “date” not at the brats house!! I know we went to the movies but couldn’t tell you which one. The rest shall we say is history??? We dated and had lots of fun times and now it’s 2011 and we have been married for 28 years this November!!!! I’d say that story has a very happy ending!!! We have been through lots of stuff together, but that’s exactly what has kept us together, dealing with it TOGETHER!!! I have lots of other funny stories I can share but for now I’ll just publish this and maybe write more about us a little later!!! Hope you enjoyed my little dating story!!!!! If you could stand to read this all the way through, thanks, I know it was way long, it’s something I have wanted to write about before!! The photo above is of Dave and in HS the child is our neice who is now 29!!
Way back on July 7, 1980, Dave and I had our very first “encounter”, we were at a party that a mutual friend was having. Large amount of beer had been consumed myself, Dave and my two very good friends, partners in crime! Much to my sorrow I as well as one of my partners in crime was out of beer and the evening was young. Friend #1, I’ll call Linda, had driven us to this great event but her car was blocked in and not easily accessible, therefore we were looking for a ride to the only liquor store that served said friend in the area. No one seemed interested in taking us, and then I spotted this very handsome cross country/track/star whom I had met many times on the CC course. Only problem was he is an identical twin, at that point in time I could only tell them apart by the tiny gap between the front teeth of one of them. Great he wasn’t smiling, how the heck do I know which one he is?? So bravely I walked up to him, now remember I was full of plenty of liquid courage by the time in evening. I approach said twin and said “which one are you Dave or Dan?? He tells me he is Dave, I’m not exactly sure why I even believed him, but you know liquor we all know gives us courage we don’t normally have. We spoke for a few minutes I introduced my good friend Linda to him and told her how wonderful he and brother were as runners and you know just made him feel really good. HA, he then told me he thought it was pretty cool I was the only female on my cross country team; you know making me feel good. I finally get around to asking him if we could use his car to go get more beer and that we’d be glad to share with him. He required Linda and I to take a “drunk test”, we both failed big time!! He then proceeds to tell us he had a 5 speed 1968 VW bug, well neither of us could drive a 5 speed in those days, so we said thanks but no thanks. We continue the task of finding a ride to obtain the much needed beer. Linda and I find this goofy looking dude who agreed to give us our much needed to ride. We walk outside to his car, which just happened to be a blue “Pacer”, anyone remember those preggo looking cars??? We drive to said beer store, go in and get the goods and are headed back to the party. This party was on an old country road that wasn’t very well traveled. We were quickly approaching the house and told this dude so; he didn’t seem to care much. Linda and I were both in the back seat of this Pacer, which if you remember are two door cars, made up of mainly windows!! Linda and I look at each other scared out of our minds, I tell her to follow me. I pushed the front seat up and opened the door and jumped out, beer in my arms of course!!! Next comes Linda on top of me, we are both tossed on top of each other in a ditch on the side of the road. I don’t really remember anything hurting at that time. As we are in the ditch I look at her and said, “where do you know that crazy dude from”? Linda tells me she has no clue who crazy is and that thought I knew him!!! Get the hell out of here, no way; we could so be dead right now!!!!! OK, we aren’t dead so why miss a great party, in we go back everyone wants to know why were are so dirty and bleeding??? So we tell our story to everyone around, Dave comes up to us at that time and tells me/us we shouldn’t take rides from strangers. Duh!!! He and I stand around talking and drinking beer for a bit, Linda goes off and leaves us alone. I decide at that very second I am so in love!!!! Time flies as it always does when you are having fun, and it’s time for me to be home!! Sucks big time, but I had a curfew, which all of my friends knew about and made sure I was home on time most of the time, because you know they had fun with me!! Dave rode to my house with my two friends, they lectured him about hurting my feelings and all that good stuff BBF’s say to a new “friend of the male variety”. Dave was fairly drunk by the time of the evening as well, I gave him my phone number numerous times on the way home, knowing good and well he’d forget it and I’d never hear another word from him!! That is sort of how it played out for several days.
In the mean time my BBF’s and I continued to enjoy our summer swimming, hanging out and working our little part time job for the towns’ recreation department. I was also baby-sitting these two little brats for a sick co-worker of my sister’s. Those kids were horrible BRATS!!!!! They made me say numerous times no kids for me, ever!! Like seriously they ganged up on me at two and four years old!! Just total brats, like while I’m getting them breakfast they got into the eggs and threw them at me, took OJ from me in their “favorite” cups, then dumped it on the floor, just mean little brats!!! They went to daycare during the day and then a grandparent brought them back to me around 6 each evening, this horrible job went on for several weeks that summer. On the weekends I had the brats 24/7, so a grandparent would come and pick us up and drop us off at a local lake/hunting club. The first Saturday we went to the lake who do I run into in the parking lot??? Dave or no was it Dan???? Remember at that point in time, unless I was close enough and they smiled I couldn’t tell who was who!!! Plus great whichever one it was, was leaving, oh no there goes my day for sure!!! I lug the brats down the sand and get them settled in for the day, I happen to look up and oh wow I see “another one” on the lifeguard stand!!! It’s my lucky day!!!! Brat #1 and brat #2 are fighting down by the water’s edge; next thing I know is brat #1 is screaming because brat #2 threw sand/dirt in his eyes, I’m telling you they were brats!!!!!!!! I take myself down to see what the problem is and of course brat #2 is screaming I didn’t throw sand in his eyes, I really didn’t, OK so now I know what the issue at hand was. I’m down at the water’s edge trying to wrangle brat #1 while boo-hooing, all the while brat #2 is saying he didn’t do it, and who comes to my rescue????? Of course one of the twins, it’s my lucky day!! He stoops down and says, “what’s wrong lil buddy”, oh how sweet he likes brats!! After much boo-hooing from brat #1, handsome lifeguard asked him his name, brat #1 says, “it’s David”, handsome lifeguard says, “oh cool lil buddy my name is Dave too”, really lucky day for me!!! “Dave” looks at me and says you don’t remember me do you”? My reply is I sure do but you have a horrible memory or you lie”!!! Well of course he asked why I said those things. Playing it off cool, so he doesn’t realize that I wasn’t sure which one he is, I inform him he lied or had a bad memory because he never called me. Well to my surprise the jackass spits out my phone number!!!! OH, OK I get you just didn’t want to call me, I get it!! This convo is taking place while the brats are both screaming now, so my fabo b/f to be, says “come on boys I know the person who works in stand up there do you want a Popsicle”????? So off they go, everyone comes back nice and happy and Dave I sit around talking while the brats pretty much played all day, yeah!! After a few hours it’s time to take brats back home, dam it all to hell!! My fabo lifeguard says, “can I call you tonight, remember I still have your number” my way too quick to not sound desperate is sure!!! Then I remember I have said brats to deal with!!!! I inform him of my little problems, and much to my surprise he asks if they have a phone at their house?? Um sure, here you go!!! Tells me he gets off around 8 PM unless it rains it will be sooner, great let’s hope for rain. That is until I find he drives a motorcycle, OK let’s not hope for rain and he tells me he will call me by 8:15. We leave and I hope oh so hope he calls me but remember that’s been exactly 4 days since we met and no calls so far, why would he call now?? Lucky me, he does call and asks if he can come and see me, oh yeah sure come on by that sounds great!!! Then I realize oh no, I’m baby-sitting and by 8:30 said brats #1 & 2 will be sound asleep, (the only good thing those brats did was sleep from the time you put them in bed until you woke them the next morning!!!). So I explain where I am and that it’s very close to my house where I was dropped off 4 days ago, and he says OK I’ll shower and be there by 9. We hang up and I freak the fuck out, oh no a BOY is coming over, I’m all alone, oh no it’s a BOY I really, really like, what the fuck am I going to do??? I call my two BBF’s and tell them all about it and beg them to come over, no sorry we can’t we made plans since you were tied up with the brats you will be fine, just don’t have SEX with him!!!! OH, holy hell that never even entered my mind, I swear, so I’m freaking out and my two BBF’s were so happy for me!!! Why you ask??? Because I was just getting over having my heart stomped on and turned inside out and stomped on even more by a jerk I just knew I was in love with and broke up with me because I wouldn’t have sex with him!!!! The next 45 minutes drag by as slow as freaking hell!!! Then I hear magic to my ears, I hear a motorcycle, oh yes I do!!!! Yes it’s my lucky day for sure!!!! So my fabo new b/f comes in and we sit around and watch TV, remember there wasn’t much on TV back then, only a few select channels and surely no remote. The evening flew by so freaking fast it wasn’t even funny!!! We talked lots about running and how different things were at my school vr. his school, I went to a catholic school, he public, a very scary public school at that!! We had many, many kisses as well as hand holding, fun times!! He finally said very, very late or early depending how you look at it, that he needed to go he was working tomorrow, yes another lucky day!!! I was taking the brats to the lake again!!!!! Quick prayer for now rain, I was on cloud nine, ten whatever cloud it was I was way happy!!! We end up at the lake and chatted on and off, then it was time to take brat # 1 and brat # 2 home for dinner and baths since it was “school/daycare day the next morning and work for me. He asks again if he can “come by” after work, that is if he doesn’t find anything else to do!! What a jerk, but still I’m in love and say oh yeah sure come on by!! That evening he tells me he is getting off at who knows maybe 6PM??? OK, so I take the brats home and hope the phone rings, well what do you know it does????? It’s Dave asking if he and his friend can come over and do I know anybody who might want to “meet” his friend. He tells me his friend is a year older than he is and that he looks like a blonde Tom Selleck. Um, OK sure I know someone who loves the guy. I tell him to come over and bring his “friend” too. I quickly get off the phone and call one of my 2 partners in crime, give her the scoop and she tells me she is as good as there!! OK, so our evening is set now!! They all come over, they don’t hit it off so well, but Dave and I never really noticed since all we did was make out all evening!!!! The next evening he calls and asks if he can “come by”, sure come. This went on for several weeks every evening while I was baby-sitting which seemed like forever. Finally the brats’ mom came home from the hospital; Dave and I have our very first “date” not at the brats house!! I know we went to the movies but couldn’t tell you which one. The rest shall we say is history??? We dated and had lots of fun times and now it’s 2011 and we have been married for 28 years this November!!!! I’d say that story has a very happy ending!!! We have been through lots of stuff together, but that’s exactly what has kept us together, dealing with it TOGETHER!!! I have lots of other funny stories I can share but for now I’ll just publish this and maybe write more about us a little later!!! Hope you enjoyed my little dating story!!!!! If you could stand to read this all the way through, thanks, I know it was way long, it’s something I have wanted to write about before!! The photo above is of Dave and in HS the child is our neice who is now 29!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Time flies when you are and aren't having fun!!!
Wow, my last posting was in February, I wish I could say I've been away doing busy stuff, but that wouldn't exactly be the truth. So basically I've been up to the same old same old around here. Let's exactly what I have been up to; I spent several days in the hospital somewhere around February or maybe that was January, who knows anymore I've in so much they just seem to all run together. I've done a few rounds of IV antibiotics while at home as well for kidney infections, what else??? Of course! Let's see what else, we went to Norfolk in March to see our son off for his deployment to Afghanistan. Our daughter in law and grand daughter have spent some time with. That sweet lil girl is growing so fast, she's such big girl these days, she is trying really hard to feed herself. I'm pretty sure she is going to be a lefty, which makes Dave and I very happy considering we are both lefties. We are dog sitting our fur-grand kids until daughter in law and baby get settled into base housing. Not sure how long that will be, but to say we have a house full of dogs is an understatement. Interestingly enough none of the four dogs that are here originally belonged to Dave and I. We do claim two of them now though, a sweet lil mutt and a fluffy lil beagle, now add an 82 pound shepherd and an 8 pound lil hot dog to the mix, it all equals dog over load!!! Everyone gets along fairly well, the mutt and shepherd have a few issues every now and then but for the most part they all just hang out together. Lil miss So-Co the beagle has been on a diet for about two weeks now, not sure she has lost anything yet, but there is hope considering she is eating a high dollar dog food from the vet. She was on this food in the past and lost about six pounds and has since gained it back. So I'm hoping to get her down 7 or so pounds to give her a little lead way, ha ha!! Our dal was on this diet food and lost a lot of weight, fairly quickly, the beagle doesn't seem to be losing a quickly as the dal. I also give her a 1/2 of cup of green beans with her meals to make up for the reduced amount of dog food. She loves them, eats those first before even touching the dog food. Then everyone gets carrots for snacks, so far everyone loves those too. Another fun thing I have been doing is meeting two friends for lunch every Wednesday, it's fun and it gets me out of the house. We call it, "our hen lunch", well that's only because Dave called it that first!!! Which is nice before there are days, sometimes several days at a time I find myself at home. Which really isn't such a huge deal for the most part but there are times where I feel as if there walls are closing in on me and if I don't get out of this soon it isn't going to be pretty!! Summer is normally one of my favorite times of the year, fall being second favorite. Although it seems over the years that as my renal function decrease I am much less tolerant of the heat. So I don't tend to spend much time outside these days unless it's spent in the pool or walking for a bit in the late evenings. I suppose that is just about everything "new' over the last few months, see it's really nothing new!!! Check back very soon, maybe even later tonight or early tomorrow for a new post, yes could be two in one day after all of this time!! I wanted to write a post back in February, actually on Valentine's day about Dave and how we met and all of that good stuff, but I never got around to it. Today is as good a day as any considering way, way back in the wonderful 80's to be exact on this very day in 1980 Dave and I had our very first "date" if you can call it that. It's sort of interesting as well as funny but very scary at one point as well. So do click back for a look "back in the day", when I thought I had it oh so hard. Yeah right I'd go back to that day anytime, well that is if at some point I'd still have my fabo kids and all that great stuff. But then again, maybe I don't want to go back in the day, it's always fun to look back a few years. You know back in the day when you knew it all and didn't want to hear another word of advice from your parents??? Yup those days!!! OK, I hope you will click back and I promise to have it posted by this time tomorrow if not sooner. Have a fabo late afternoon, I'm off to get a mani and pedi!!!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Not the post I planned on writing!!
I had planned yesterday to write about my wonderful husband for Valentine's Day, but the day got away from me and well as you can see I never got around to it. So my plan was to spend the day with our daughter who lives about an hour and half away. I put my beagle in her crate looked the slider that goes to our patio, set the alarm and off I went. That was around 11 or 11:30, I got home around 6PM, was on the phone with my sister (who lives in another state)while I was walking through the garage I heard very loud "thumps" as if someone was running down the steps inside the house. I laughed and asked my sister did she hear Sophie one of our dogs running down the steps? She laughed as well and said yes, Sophie does tend to sound like a herd coming down the steps!! So I open the door leading into our pantry/mud room/dog crate room, um that's odd I set the alarm before leaving why isn't it buzzing for me to put my PIN code in??? Odd, wait where is my beagle So-Co, why is her crate empty????? OK, I'm freaking out, I tell my sister I have to go, I think what we heard was someone running downstairs and must have gone out the back slider since it was closed but not tight. So I ran across the street to our neighbors and told them what happened, so he came with his "protection" in his pocket and did a walk through, found no one nothing missing, not even some cash hidden was taken!!! I always close our bedroom door and all of the door upstairs stay closed, since our beagle enjoys getting into stuff just for the fun of it! When he arrived upstairs my bedroom door and the door to a guest room was open. So who ever was here knew our pass code for the garage and the alarm, which they WERE the same, not anymore!!! They went out the slider and over the fence, with the help of a bench (that I had just sat on yesterday)that had been moved off our patio to the very back of the yard up against the fence. Out back behind the fence you can see foot prints where someone landed and sort of slide in the soft dirt out there. To say I'm pretty freaked out is not even close, my heart is still racing!!! I called our neighbor down the street who is a county sheriff, he came and finger printed the bench, the alarm pad and a few other things in the house. He then begins asking who if anyone has our PIN code, so I tell him that ONCE when we first moved here I allowed a child of a neighbor to dog-sit for us. At that time I only knew him through his mom who of course made him out to be an angel (from hell I now know!!!)and all of that good stuff!! He got kicked out of high school for stealing from a teacher, of course I didn't even know he had been kicked out of school at that time. Now mind you this mom now also has a daughter who has been kicked out of school last month also, why???? Oh because she made one little "mistake" and they kicked her out. What was that little mistake????? She threatened to blow the freaking school up!!!!!!!! Of course her mom tells it that she didn't mean it and everyone knows her little angel would never do such a thing and the school and police over reacted and all of this crap, of course little angel girl is an angel!!! The mother had the nerve to complain to me that the police not only cuffed her at school, they took her to juvie hall and then released her only if taken right to the hospital for a psych eval!!!! Her little angel would do no wrong why would they go to this extent?????? Stupid mom wake the hell up!!!!! So anyway I don't know if this kid I think did it or not but really since the family is turning out to be such angels and all of course mommy wouldn't think so!!! Oh yeah this "boy" is now 21 and has gotten a 17 year old high school girl, his girlfriend preggers!!! Mommy of the year is so happy to be a grand mom, at 36 years old!!!!!!!! Such a nice family to have in the "hood"!!!!! Sad to say this isn't even the "hood" and far from it, not the highest dollar sub division around but surely not the "hood". The other interesting thing is I called the mom and asked if she has seen anyone around our house today, of course she hasn't but of course back on Christmas night while we were out of town she sure did see our pet-sitters at our house a little after 11PM!!!! We knew they were coming late for bed time potty break due to visiting family all day. She had to call me and tell me she was calling the police and she just knew it wasn't our dog sitter and what not, but today?? She sees nothing!!!! Interesting if I must say so myself!!! Now as if all of this isn't enough??? Last Thursday I came home and found our mailbox open, I bring the mail in and find that someone has sliced open the top of an envelope that had a check inside, they took the check and put the letter that states, "check enclose" back in the envelope and put it back in my mailbox. Could these be linked???? Who knows but I'm sure they will be comparing finger prints. I just have a creepy feeling now, to know someone was in my house. I had that very same creepy feeling for a very long time where we lived last because someone would rather break in and steal our stuff then to get a freaking job and support themselves like a decent human being!!!!!!!!!! So my friends how was your day?????
Check back for my post on how hubby and I met and all that good stuff!!!!
Check back for my post on how hubby and I met and all that good stuff!!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
A trip is planned!

Two more sleeps until I get to see sweet lil Caroline!!!! We are going to Norfolk, VA on Wednesday to spend a few days with the kids!!! On Thursday AM David is re enlisting in the Navy for six more years. We are so proud of him; he loves his job ad that makes me so happy!! We always told our kids we didn’t care what they went to college for but to just remember whatever they choose they’ll end up doing it every day for a very long time!! I am happy to say that both of our kids love their jobs!!! That in itself makes this mom a happy mom!!
Caroline is still not sleeping well!! I feel so bad for Kayla; she gets little to no good sleep, ever!! David is good about getting up with her on the weekends, but just like any other mom, she wakes up when she hears the baby. I plan to get up with Caroline while we are there, as I normally do. I just can’t figure out what the problem is, when she was about three months old she began sleeping all night, then it was not long and it was time to pack up household goods and ship them to the East coast for the move. She had to sleep in her “pac-n-play” and she just didn’t get any good sleep in that; then she got here and she had a cold and didn’t sleep well due to that and the huge 12 hour time change. So ever since she has been a horrible sleeper at night. They have tried everything, not seems to work. I know poor Kayla is at her wits end, good thing she is such a patient mom!! She’s been to the doctor for her six month check up and everything was great, the only thing they suggested was to not allow her to nap past four PM, which she hadn’t been. They have begun keeping her up past 8:30 which had been her bed time before, now its 9:30 or so. She still gets up several times a night; it’s not to eat because she won’t take a bottle. Sometimes Kayla can just reposition her and give her back her paci and she’s good to go, she’ll sleep a few hours at that most and is back awake screaming at the top of her lungs!!! She has tried the cry it out method but it does no good, she just screams and cries until she throws up. They are coming here once David deploys, well if he deploys (I’ll explain that in a second) and I plan to be t he one getting up with her and stuff and I just hope maybe trying the cry it out here works a little better, she won’t bother anyone here crying!! They live in an apartment right now and they are afraid people will complain about the baby screaming, so they won’t really allow her to cry long, which makes things difficult too!! We really thought that once she began solids she’d really sleep much better; as I said she doesn’t get up to eat she doesn’t want a bottle for the most part when she wakes up in the middle of the night. That just makes me wonder if she just doesn’t have mommy and daddy trained to come to her, who knows if she’s old enough for that or not. She will be eight months old on the 12th of February so maybe she just knows if she cries out some body will come to her, who knows!!!! All I know is I plan to get to the bottom of it and hope we can “fix” her sleep issues!! I don’t have the heart to tell Kayla that Melissa never slept through the night, that child, always woke up every night!! The good thing about that was that she woke up and entertained herself in her crib, once she was old enough to eat solids and didn’t need a middle of the night bottle, she just played. So who knows maybe Caroline will grow up to be just like her Aunt Melissa and LOVE working the night shift.
Speaking of Melissa, that crazy little girl (well 23 year old really) loves her job!! She loves working 9PM until 9AM, not so sure I’d like that shift, well I know I wouldn’t!! I had to work a few 7PM to 7AM and I so hated it, from like 4AM on it was all I could do to keep me eyes open. She has finally gotten all of her furniture and her apartment is too cute!! She has made her own curtains and she is loving being on her own. Although I don’t know so much if she loves paying her own bills and all of that adult stuff but she does it!! She finally got around to doing her taxes from 2009 and her refund check came here so I called to tell her it was here, thinking she’d be excited she had a little cash!!!! Her response was, “OK thanks I’ll get it next time I come”, so I was like aren’t you excited you have some money???? She mom it’s all got to bills, I have no money left out it!!! Poor kid, so being the good mom I am I said, “Wow Melissa is really sucks being an adult with bills doesn’t it”? Somehow she didn’t think I was very funny!!! Of course now that she had to pay for all of her stuff she doesn’t allow her dog on her new furniture. Funny thing is she used to get mad at me when they lived here and I wouldn’t let her crazy dog on the furniture downstairs, she was like no one else sits on that furniture so why can’t my dog?? It’s very interesting to me now that she used her earned money to buy her stuff, her dog suddenly can sit on it!!! Too funny!! She has started back to school this semester so she’ll be busy as can be and it makes me sad because we won’t see her much!!
So the reason that David may not be able to deploy is when he went for medical clearance today his blood pressure was up!! He’s only 26 going to be 27 in a few weeks. Of course he failed to inform the folks at medical that he had just finished a hard PT about 30 minutes before his appointment, nor that he dip in his mouth, nor that he had drank a huge energy drink on his way to work today!!!!!!!!!! All of which could increase his blood pressure, so of course now he is totally stressed out because he really wants to deploy, why I have no clue!!! They told him to come back in a week if it is better they will clear him. I told him to stay away from all of the above, not to mention back off all of the chips, soda and other sodium filled crap he eats daily!!!! Of course he just doesn’t “see” how any of that stuff can affect ones blood pressure!!! I just hope he doesn’t stress out and make himself totally crazy over the next week to make things worse!!! I of course don’t want him to deploy so I’d be a happy mom but I know he really had his heart set on going, I mean that’s what he trains for every day. I will keep everyone posted!! Keep him your thoughts if you would please and his poor wife that he doesn’t drive her out of her mind in the mean time!!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, I’m not sure I’ll post again before next Sunday or Monday. I plan to spend all of my time away enjoying family and good food!!!
Photo above of lil Miss Caroline being a big girl and holding her juice bottle watching some tunes on TV!!!! She is getting so big, so fast!!!
computers dogs,
life weather,
Melissa deployment
Friday, January 28, 2011
My little blue friend
Where the heck has the time gone??? Every day since I’ve been home from the hospital I have thought about posting, but you know how best laid plans go, huh? There is nothing new going on here, same old same old which I suppose I should be thankful for. Dave (hubby) has been busy as ever at the office!!! They have new computer software system that has been instated the first week of January, and since then he has been busier than I don’t even know what!! I feel really bad for him, as if the new software isn’t enough of an issue it’s “month end close”. Those that are in or have been sales I’m sure know exactly what I’m talking about, HELL!!! Again we need to be thankful that they have so much business that they are busy and he has lots of orders coming in but……it’s hard to see him stressed out and so tired. You can just look at him and see how mentally tired he is, I wish I could change things for him. We are very thankful for the fact that he does have a job; we know many, many people out there don’t have jobs and I feel bad complaining about it. I know he isn’t getting good restful sleep because he tosses and turns and is just really restless. I hope he’ll get some good down time this weekend; we have no plans except to have a cookout at our neighbors. Yes I said a cookout at the end of January!!!!!! It is supposed to be like 60 degrees all weekend, so we’ll all pretend its spring or early summer and wear a light weight jacket and enjoy the company and good food!!!
Wednesday of next week we are going to visit our son and his wife and our sweet lil grand daughter!!!!! That little has totally stolen my heart!!! I got a call the weekend I was in the hospital that Caroline had stood up in her crib, my sweet lil girl!!! Kayla (daughter in law) walked into her room to get her after a nap and as she walked in the door Caroline just grabbed the top rail of her crib and stood up!!! Man where has the time gone??? She will be eight months old on the 12th of February; Kayla said one day last week she was just chilling on the floor with her feet in her month and she just sat up and then stood all by herself!!!!!!! Of course it was only for a split second, she just may walk before her daddy leaves for deployment!!! I don’t want to rush her along but I really would like for him to see her walk for the first time. She cracks me up with her crawling, she just gets on all fours and rocks back and forth, then when she’s ready for takeoff she drops down to her tummy and tucks her left arm under her belly and tummy/army crawls any where she wants to go. If she gets tired of tummy crawling she rolls where ever she wants to go, smart lil girl!!!! I can’t wait to get there to visit so I can give Kayla a break, Caroline isn’t sleeping well at all! She goes down between 8:30 and 9:30 and sleeps until around midnight or one AM, then it seems as if it’s every hour she is awake. She’s not hungry when she wakes up because she isn’t interested in a bottle all she does is scream at the top of her lungs. Kayla has tried everything we can think of to help her sleep, from playing soft music, letting her cry it out, repositioning her and putting her little blanket back over her, and who knows what else. I feel really, really bad for Kayla I mean we all need our sleep and as much as she says she is OK I know it has to be getting to her!! Caroline went in for her six month check up in January and they said all was well with her, although Kayla did call for an appointment today because Caroline has been pulling on her ears a lot of this sleep thing is getting worse and worse instead of better. That crazy military insurance they are covered by said that they didn’t have anything open for her until Monday!!!!!!!! Monday, who the heck wants to go all weekend with a possible ear infection??? Our son even came home from work early and went to medical to see what he could do if anything and they told him they were sorry but it was Friday and too late in the day for her to be seen today!!! Man, it’s a good thing that wasn’t me because I’d probably get kicked out of the Navy for going nuts. It just bugs me to no end when I hear they have told Kayla “well since she doesn’t have a fever and is eating and drinking she should be fine until Monday”!!! Oh yeah also if she gets worse over the weekend take her to the ER, that as a health care professional pisses me off to no end!!! That is abuse of the ER if you ask me, and that is why the ER’s all over the country are so overbooked and in such horrible states that patients die awaiting care at times. Why bother assigning them a primary care physician if you can’t get in when you need to?? OK I’m finished my rant here, sorry but the health care system in this country leaves a lot to be desired!!! I should and am very thankful for my own health coverage as well as the kids having coverage but they make it so dang hard to use.
As I mentioned a few posts ago that I had planned to talk to my physician about a possible anti-depressant because I just didn’t feel like “me”. Well I’ve been taking it since January sixth and although I am slightly afraid to jinx myself, I have to say that I do feel as if it may be working. I have no clue long it’s supposed to take, I’ve never taken anything like this before so, any suggestions I’m open for them. So the good doc gave me Zoloft and I suppose it’s like most of the drugs in that class that take about four weeks or so to get to a good therapeutic level in ones system. Again open for suggestions from any and all!! I have not felt like sleeping all day long, I have more desire to get up and do stuff instead of just sitting around watching TV all day. I have to say I was a little concerned last week that maybe I was wasting my time and money on this medication because I felt so bad and had little no energy; but I think that was just my body recovering from the kidney infection and sepsis (infection in my blood). The very beginning of this week I felt much better overall, I was up and out of bed by nine AM, which I can live with since I do tend to go to bed very late. In the past several weeks/months I wouldn’t get up until close to noon or even later, my sleep was often broken up. I’d go to bed and fall asleep fairly early like 9ish and then be wide awake by midnight, so I’d watch TV for a few hours, then Dave’s alarm would go off around five AM and I’d often stay awake until he left close to seven and then I’d just go back to sleep until whenever. Then I’d get up and feel like crap because one I’d slept the day away, secondly, I had no desire to get dressed. Often times I’d stay in my jammies until late afternoon or just before Dave was due home, then I’d shower and just put clean jammies back on, well of course that just made me feel even worse! Normally I get a haircut every four weeks five at the very most; I had even begun skipping those. I had a hair cut this past Tuesday and it’s my first since mid November, that’s just not me. I also normally would get a mani/pedi about every two to three weeks, I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d had either done and they so looked it too!!! I called this week my maintance week, since I was having a hair cut, highlights and a mani/pedi and I do have stay they have all made me feel very good!!!! Every day this week I have not only gotten a shower and gotten dressed I even put make up on!!! Last night I was thinking about this past week; and I have to I was sort of impressed with myself I had gotten dressed and all, but then I thought well hell you only got dressed because you had places to go! Well flash forward to today I had no place to go, no one was coming over no plans at all and guess what????????? I not only got a shower and got dressed I put make up on and did my hair all before noon!!!! I even put “real” clothes on, clothes I could and would wear outside of the house if need be. Therefore I sort of feel as if things may be looking brighter and I have to say I like me this way!!!! It’s been a long time coming and I really didn’t realize how long it had really been until I began to sort of come out of “it”. When I think about it I want to beat myself up over the fact that I have to take a drug to make me feel “better” or more myself, when I really know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it. I feel embarrassed about it; don’t know why because I know more people who take something along those lines than don’t. I’ve had the very same conversation with them as I have with myself. That if taking the medication makes you feel better or feel as if you can face life again, who cares just take and be happy you feel better!! I keep telling myself that, every single time I want to beat me up over this stupid little blue pill!!!! Crazy, stupid, nutty I know; for feeling that way, but often times one’s mind can play nasty little tricks on you!! So that’s my ramblings about my little blue pill, I have to say I am so very thankful to it right now and no matter how much I want to beat myself up over taking I won’t allow it, it’s not a big deal I refuse to allow it to rule my life!! I also look at it like, I take several different medications for high blood pressure, renal failure and a whole host of other things, I don’t beat myself up about taking those, so why should I feel that way about my little blue pill/friend???? Any thoughts on my ramblings as I said before I’m open, even suggestions!!! Just no hate mail, even though I sort of feel as if I’m on the upside of the downslide, hate mail just may drop me back over to the other side again!!!!
I hope everyone has the most wonderful weekend; it’s going to be in the 60’s this weekend. I plan to make the most of it and just go for it!!!
Wednesday of next week we are going to visit our son and his wife and our sweet lil grand daughter!!!!! That little has totally stolen my heart!!! I got a call the weekend I was in the hospital that Caroline had stood up in her crib, my sweet lil girl!!! Kayla (daughter in law) walked into her room to get her after a nap and as she walked in the door Caroline just grabbed the top rail of her crib and stood up!!! Man where has the time gone??? She will be eight months old on the 12th of February; Kayla said one day last week she was just chilling on the floor with her feet in her month and she just sat up and then stood all by herself!!!!!!! Of course it was only for a split second, she just may walk before her daddy leaves for deployment!!! I don’t want to rush her along but I really would like for him to see her walk for the first time. She cracks me up with her crawling, she just gets on all fours and rocks back and forth, then when she’s ready for takeoff she drops down to her tummy and tucks her left arm under her belly and tummy/army crawls any where she wants to go. If she gets tired of tummy crawling she rolls where ever she wants to go, smart lil girl!!!! I can’t wait to get there to visit so I can give Kayla a break, Caroline isn’t sleeping well at all! She goes down between 8:30 and 9:30 and sleeps until around midnight or one AM, then it seems as if it’s every hour she is awake. She’s not hungry when she wakes up because she isn’t interested in a bottle all she does is scream at the top of her lungs. Kayla has tried everything we can think of to help her sleep, from playing soft music, letting her cry it out, repositioning her and putting her little blanket back over her, and who knows what else. I feel really, really bad for Kayla I mean we all need our sleep and as much as she says she is OK I know it has to be getting to her!! Caroline went in for her six month check up in January and they said all was well with her, although Kayla did call for an appointment today because Caroline has been pulling on her ears a lot of this sleep thing is getting worse and worse instead of better. That crazy military insurance they are covered by said that they didn’t have anything open for her until Monday!!!!!!!! Monday, who the heck wants to go all weekend with a possible ear infection??? Our son even came home from work early and went to medical to see what he could do if anything and they told him they were sorry but it was Friday and too late in the day for her to be seen today!!! Man, it’s a good thing that wasn’t me because I’d probably get kicked out of the Navy for going nuts. It just bugs me to no end when I hear they have told Kayla “well since she doesn’t have a fever and is eating and drinking she should be fine until Monday”!!! Oh yeah also if she gets worse over the weekend take her to the ER, that as a health care professional pisses me off to no end!!! That is abuse of the ER if you ask me, and that is why the ER’s all over the country are so overbooked and in such horrible states that patients die awaiting care at times. Why bother assigning them a primary care physician if you can’t get in when you need to?? OK I’m finished my rant here, sorry but the health care system in this country leaves a lot to be desired!!! I should and am very thankful for my own health coverage as well as the kids having coverage but they make it so dang hard to use.
As I mentioned a few posts ago that I had planned to talk to my physician about a possible anti-depressant because I just didn’t feel like “me”. Well I’ve been taking it since January sixth and although I am slightly afraid to jinx myself, I have to say that I do feel as if it may be working. I have no clue long it’s supposed to take, I’ve never taken anything like this before so, any suggestions I’m open for them. So the good doc gave me Zoloft and I suppose it’s like most of the drugs in that class that take about four weeks or so to get to a good therapeutic level in ones system. Again open for suggestions from any and all!! I have not felt like sleeping all day long, I have more desire to get up and do stuff instead of just sitting around watching TV all day. I have to say I was a little concerned last week that maybe I was wasting my time and money on this medication because I felt so bad and had little no energy; but I think that was just my body recovering from the kidney infection and sepsis (infection in my blood). The very beginning of this week I felt much better overall, I was up and out of bed by nine AM, which I can live with since I do tend to go to bed very late. In the past several weeks/months I wouldn’t get up until close to noon or even later, my sleep was often broken up. I’d go to bed and fall asleep fairly early like 9ish and then be wide awake by midnight, so I’d watch TV for a few hours, then Dave’s alarm would go off around five AM and I’d often stay awake until he left close to seven and then I’d just go back to sleep until whenever. Then I’d get up and feel like crap because one I’d slept the day away, secondly, I had no desire to get dressed. Often times I’d stay in my jammies until late afternoon or just before Dave was due home, then I’d shower and just put clean jammies back on, well of course that just made me feel even worse! Normally I get a haircut every four weeks five at the very most; I had even begun skipping those. I had a hair cut this past Tuesday and it’s my first since mid November, that’s just not me. I also normally would get a mani/pedi about every two to three weeks, I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d had either done and they so looked it too!!! I called this week my maintance week, since I was having a hair cut, highlights and a mani/pedi and I do have stay they have all made me feel very good!!!! Every day this week I have not only gotten a shower and gotten dressed I even put make up on!!! Last night I was thinking about this past week; and I have to I was sort of impressed with myself I had gotten dressed and all, but then I thought well hell you only got dressed because you had places to go! Well flash forward to today I had no place to go, no one was coming over no plans at all and guess what????????? I not only got a shower and got dressed I put make up on and did my hair all before noon!!!! I even put “real” clothes on, clothes I could and would wear outside of the house if need be. Therefore I sort of feel as if things may be looking brighter and I have to say I like me this way!!!! It’s been a long time coming and I really didn’t realize how long it had really been until I began to sort of come out of “it”. When I think about it I want to beat myself up over the fact that I have to take a drug to make me feel “better” or more myself, when I really know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it. I feel embarrassed about it; don’t know why because I know more people who take something along those lines than don’t. I’ve had the very same conversation with them as I have with myself. That if taking the medication makes you feel better or feel as if you can face life again, who cares just take and be happy you feel better!! I keep telling myself that, every single time I want to beat me up over this stupid little blue pill!!!! Crazy, stupid, nutty I know; for feeling that way, but often times one’s mind can play nasty little tricks on you!! So that’s my ramblings about my little blue pill, I have to say I am so very thankful to it right now and no matter how much I want to beat myself up over taking I won’t allow it, it’s not a big deal I refuse to allow it to rule my life!! I also look at it like, I take several different medications for high blood pressure, renal failure and a whole host of other things, I don’t beat myself up about taking those, so why should I feel that way about my little blue pill/friend???? Any thoughts on my ramblings as I said before I’m open, even suggestions!!! Just no hate mail, even though I sort of feel as if I’m on the upside of the downslide, hate mail just may drop me back over to the other side again!!!!
I hope everyone has the most wonderful weekend; it’s going to be in the 60’s this weekend. I plan to make the most of it and just go for it!!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Home from Club Med!!!!
So I’m home from Club Med as I like to call it, not a great stay not a horrible stay either!!! I had a kidney infection as well as being septic from that fabo kidney of mine!!! It was about as eventful as most hospital stays for me, lots of horrible shaking, chills, teeth chattering fevers, pain that makes you sort of not like life very much. Other than that it was a pretty normal hospital stay for me. I learned a few things I’d rather not know and not have to deal with but such is life, you gotta live with the hand one is dealt or so they say, right???? It seems that my left and only remaining kidney has taken a huge hit, once again! My renal function is at an all time low; my upper pole to middle of my kidney is now fairly scarred over. The fact that it has gone from only the upper left pole down through the middle in only a few short months, well I suppose we could say that’s not a real good thing. Again such is life, right???? Honestly I was sort of afraid to ask exactly what this might mean for me. It’s only been four months since my last ultra sound, and according the radiology report there is significant scarring since “US as of 9/2010”. Can we all say FUCKING great???????? Thanks Mike Daniel for your stupid fuck up, thanks for refusing to see that something was truly “wrong” with my right fucking kidney all the times I bitched something was wrong!!!!! You stupid fuck, I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry but just had to say it, it just pisses me off to no end to think that some of this could have been prevented had I not had such a fuck up of a doctor and had I not let him bully me into “thinking” it was all in my head!!
OK, rant over for now, sorry but it’s really hard not to be pissed off at times such as this. To say I’m scared doesn’t even come close. Lots of words such as end stage renal disease and other ugly words were mentioned. My physician was not “on call” over the weekend when most of the sucky results came back, much to my sorrow. Anyway the “on call” physician gave me the results and was as compassionate as he could be, I’m sure he was waiting for me to respond. I didn’t, for many reasons; big reason was I just didn’t have the energy to deal with it all. Plus why waste that fabo feeling one has with large amounts of IV pain meds running through your veins to discuss sucky things such as “your life pretty much sucks right now and really your future isn’t looking much better”??? Yeah so I dodged that great conversation for a bit, but really now that I think about it, maybe I should have had that convo while I was drugged. Maybe I should have!!!! So I’m so looking forward to my follow up appointment with my urologist, NOT!!!!! It’s a good thing I really like this guy and as hard as it is I do trust him. I keep flipping between telling myself I need to make a list of questions for my appointment. Then part of me says “hell no don’t do that you might hear something you don’t like, can’t deal with, whatever…..” so I still have a few weeks to figure out my plan. I just wish that stupid fuck Mike Daniel didn’t make me lose all trust in physicians!!! I try really, really hard to trust but dam it’s so fucking hard to do. I suppose one could say I have a few more weeks to “pretend nothing in my little world is wrong” for a bit longer. Of course I so know this isn’t the smartest thing in the world to do and considering I sort of like being here on this place called “earth”, I’ll suck it up and put on my big girl panties that day and face whatever it is he has to tell me, good, bad ugly whatever. Then we’ll make a plan together and hope for the best.
There is a bright side to all of this sucky crap, that CT scan that I needed for a follow up on that whatever it is/was in my lung is scarring!! Well that’s good news right??? Gotta take the good news when we can get it, you know??? I’m told it’s scarring from the chest tubes I’ve had in the past and very possibly the blood clots as well. So that is all fabo news!!! I’m very happy with the outcome on that, so I can at least end this post on not such a sucky note! Hope everyone has a most wonderful rest of the weekend!! No big plans here, I am finally sort of feeling like a human again, progress, slow but progress is progress, gotta take it where and when you can!!
OK, rant over for now, sorry but it’s really hard not to be pissed off at times such as this. To say I’m scared doesn’t even come close. Lots of words such as end stage renal disease and other ugly words were mentioned. My physician was not “on call” over the weekend when most of the sucky results came back, much to my sorrow. Anyway the “on call” physician gave me the results and was as compassionate as he could be, I’m sure he was waiting for me to respond. I didn’t, for many reasons; big reason was I just didn’t have the energy to deal with it all. Plus why waste that fabo feeling one has with large amounts of IV pain meds running through your veins to discuss sucky things such as “your life pretty much sucks right now and really your future isn’t looking much better”??? Yeah so I dodged that great conversation for a bit, but really now that I think about it, maybe I should have had that convo while I was drugged. Maybe I should have!!!! So I’m so looking forward to my follow up appointment with my urologist, NOT!!!!! It’s a good thing I really like this guy and as hard as it is I do trust him. I keep flipping between telling myself I need to make a list of questions for my appointment. Then part of me says “hell no don’t do that you might hear something you don’t like, can’t deal with, whatever…..” so I still have a few weeks to figure out my plan. I just wish that stupid fuck Mike Daniel didn’t make me lose all trust in physicians!!! I try really, really hard to trust but dam it’s so fucking hard to do. I suppose one could say I have a few more weeks to “pretend nothing in my little world is wrong” for a bit longer. Of course I so know this isn’t the smartest thing in the world to do and considering I sort of like being here on this place called “earth”, I’ll suck it up and put on my big girl panties that day and face whatever it is he has to tell me, good, bad ugly whatever. Then we’ll make a plan together and hope for the best.
There is a bright side to all of this sucky crap, that CT scan that I needed for a follow up on that whatever it is/was in my lung is scarring!! Well that’s good news right??? Gotta take the good news when we can get it, you know??? I’m told it’s scarring from the chest tubes I’ve had in the past and very possibly the blood clots as well. So that is all fabo news!!! I’m very happy with the outcome on that, so I can at least end this post on not such a sucky note! Hope everyone has a most wonderful rest of the weekend!! No big plans here, I am finally sort of feeling like a human again, progress, slow but progress is progress, gotta take it where and when you can!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Hi guys........
I'm posting from the fourth floor of club med, right here in good ole Rock Hill, SC! I had a horrible night Thursday I was very sick to my tummy, couldn't even lie still. I was up pacing the floors due to pain. My fever continued to rise and I just really bad all night and was waiting from my 10:40 doctors appointment. He walked in the room looked at vitals signs and says sit right, I'll have my nurse begin looking for a bed for! I just sat there, he came and said wow you must feel bad you gave me no crap about being admitted. So any way as if I already didn't know I was sick a quick look at my vitals and one might freak a bit! My BP was 182/102. R 128, not very good! They were all so high due to my pain. The pain is slightly better but still really bad, I have a bad kidney infection as well being speptic (infection in my blood). It's been about 14 hours since my latest fever, in which they have all been around 102 - 104. Not sure how long I'll be here but it will be for a bit. When I begin to feel better I'll write a little more! Hope you guys had a great weekend!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Meet Rocky.....David's new partner

This Rocky he is I believe about three years old and he is Belgian Malinois (hope that is the correct spelling, you cause I can’t spell and all), they look very much like a German Shepard. I believe David told me the way you tell them apart is a “mal” has a larger head and ears and are little more muscular. Now don’t quote because my memory is about as bad as my spelling and it’s only like 3:30 AM and I’ve been up since about 6:30 AM yesterday. This dog has been deployed before once I know for sure and I’m not sure where to but he’s only been back about two weeks now. Rocky is a narcotics and patrol dog. FYI….patrol dog, means he can ride in the car with his handler and knows what to do should things go “South” as they say. AKA knows how to basically kick ass and take names later!!!! I’m not sure if anyone knew the meaning of patrol and just in case you think as I do, now not to insult anybody just a little FYI, just in case.
I have a bit of a dilemma here, But you’ll a little back story sort of ok, so hang on it might get a little confessing but it’ll all come together, K). When I lose something, break it, miss place it or whatever I might do with an item (that belongs to me no one else) hubby gets all of his feathers ruffled up and gets into his lecture me on being more responsible and all that crap. Now that you have a little of the back story let me back up a bit more and say I often do have a very bad habit of doing ALL of the above. Yeah I admitted isn’t that the first step of something or the other??? Hubby had been bitching that his new glasses felt lose and he just knows “that girl” at the eye doctors messed them up and he needed to take them in to be fixed. I mean that would only be right considering he had just gotten them less than a month before and had spent about $400!!!! Needless to say he was slightly busy at the office and never got around to it. So while we were visiting with the kids at Christmas, the dam arm feel right off his glasses while they were still on his face!!!!! Oh holy hell I had to turn my head because I wanted to laugh so badly (but knew better for sure!!!) So he was about to start whining like a little girl, I said wait, you should have taken them in when you said you were. Well hell we all know he didn’t like hearing that now did he???? Nope, well too bad dude!! So he very quietly handed me the glasses in the case and all (remember the above confession????) and said here YOU please put these away so I can take them back when we get home. Well that was mistake number two for him in my book; anyway I really truly thought I put them in my luggage. So we get home and unpack, he says just set my glasses by my keys I’ll run by on my way to the office, um I don’t have your glasses!!!! &^%$@R%@$%Y$I*IUY even worse words than I use came out of his mouth, I very quietly waited till he finished and said well you shouldn’t have given them to me to hold. He knew I was right and walked away mubble-mubbly. Hasn’t really said anything about the glasses since one reason is they have to be at the kids somewhere because we know they didn’t leave their house and we are going up there in a few weeks so we can look and I hope find them. Reason number two for not saying much see confession above. Flash forward to tonight we spoke on his way home he was worn out glad tomorrow is Friday and all of that good crap (and really he has been crazy ass busy at work and you know you can’t get good help anymore it snows a tiny bit and the dam people can’t come to work for three days!!!!!!!! Seriously they closed on Monday, Tuesday three hours late, that day, NONE, not one of his employees “could get their cars out, yeah right so really he’s been beat up the last few months with lots of conversions and crap there so yeah he is worn out), he says I’m pulling in the garage bye. Then I hear him downstairs cussing like crazy, (I look to see both dogs are with me, so what the hell is he bitching about??? Normally it’s the dogs jumping on his suit and “I don’t need dog fur on my suit!!) So I go see what his deal is and he said all quite like a dam kid in trouble………I put my iPad on the roof of my car because my hands were full and I can’t find it now. Wow, that really sucks is truly what went through my mind, if we are being honest and all here!!!! So he tells me as he is getting on the interstate he thought he heard something, but he thought it might be a file or something moving around his back seat because he had people his car at lunch and crap got moved around. So he then says…………….you know when I heard that noise I thought dam I hope I put my iPad in my trunk!!!!!!!!! I knew I should have pulled over!!!! Well he didn’t, so we got retrace his steps, no iPad to be seen anywhere!!! Of course it’s really dark so we couldn’t really see either. So who knows where it is, he tried to GPS it but it’s not picking up, that could mean it’s crushed in tiny, little bitty pieces on the side of the road or just out of range. He has it password protected so unless somebody is a good guesser they won’t get in, after a certain number of tries with the wrong p/w it wipes everything out of it, so that’s good. Tomorrow, well a little later today he plans to leave a little early and retrace his steps and see if it turns up in the day light. If not, it’s not all so bad because we’ll only be out our $250.00 homeowners deductable. Considering by the time you the case, the screen shield, tax and the iPad that’s a little over a grand. So he’s out a quarter of what he had into it. Anyway so what’s my dilemma you might ask???? Well I so want to get all high and mighty and lecture him on being more responsible about keeping up with stuff and all as he does to me, right????? I mean wouldn’t you want to, too????? ha ha really I don’t care, cause I don’t really listen when he lectures me so it doesn’t bother me for the most part, but really I wanna do it to see how it feels,ha ha ha me so funny!!!! But then again he get really pissed at me and you I keep telling my sister I have to “good” because if he divorces me I might have to get a J-O-B!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no hell no I’m keeping my trap shut!!!! Really he wouldn’t divorce me cause he lobes me too much, ha ha may I really do live in my own word don’t I???? anyway of course I’m just saying I’d lecture him but you know he’s beating his own dam dumb ass self up so why waste my time and energy you know????? How the heck he deals with me and doesn’t just “kick me to curb” why oh why?!!!! OK so my rant is over.
I have been taking an antibiotic for seven days today for my sinus crud and pneumonia, so one would think I’d be pretty dam well covered for any other bugs trying to show their ass around town. But of course that isn’t so for me, so I began running a low grade fever today only around 100.7 nothing like the fevers from hell in the past thanks to my lucky little stars and all!! Not to mention my left flank area has been increasing more painful over the last I’d say three or four days but I didn’t really think too much very much about because at times I do hurt more than others. Not to mention I’d like it to be just nothing when I begin hurting more, you know sort of pretend it isn’t so!! Anyway with the fever today I began to think the right thing to do was to call my urologist and fill him in. I also fail to mention that I’ve had way more blood in my urine the last few days than I normally do, sorry a little TMI there. So of course I need to be seen, who didn’t think he might say that? I knew good and well that I’d need to be seen. Well of course!! Which as the evening has progressed I have become increasingly more nauseated to the point of not even being able to swallow pills or the drink to wash them down without feeling like I might puke. Which at that point might not have been such a bad thing since I’d not eaten anything all day and still haven’t. You know like less chunks to clean up. Hum, sounds more and more like I just might have a kidney infection!! Well I’ll be dammed there is a first time for everything huh?? Well more like the first this month, ha, but truly I may have jinxed my own dam self by thinking last week, wow I haven’t been in the hospital since like August/September and I haven’t had an infection since very early December. Like I was thinking I might even have been “cured”, well I can wish, think, beg, plead and all that crap, it’s my world after all! So I’m not so sure what his plans will be considering all of the blood and fever, which isn’t all that bad (fever not being so bad) but considering I’d been taking some pain meds today which have a bit of Tylenol in them. Might have been the reason my fever stayed fairly controlled, but I have that telltale sign of a fever, the headache from HELL. I never get headaches unless I have a fever, but then again maybe all normal people do, who knows!! I have a brand spanking new life port (main IV access that is tunneled directly into a large artery in my heart), so I might be able to do home IV antibiotics. That takes care of the issue of ridding my one and only sucky half ass not working left kidney but it doesn’t take care of the increasing pain nor the not being able to drink let alone eat crap. I mean I could sure stand to miss a meal or ten but this isn’t really the best way to do so, you know??? Also considering the fact that they already get a little freaked out when I have an infection in that only sucky half ass working organ when I’ve not been taking a huge bad ass high power antibiotic, so with that in mind I just might buy myself a ticket to club med this weekend!!! I’ve wanted to get away but not to that freaking place!!!!!!!!!! Nothing personal and all I really like “my” nurses and my doctor, so that’s not an issue. Well yeah it is an issue when I don’t have “my” nurses cause you know I already cuss too much and then you add not feeling well, being on lots of pain meds and me not liking you, well let’s just say it’s not a pretty sight and could scar young children for life!!!!! So that’s my plan for tomorrow anyone else have any fun plans???? I hope your plans/weekend will be much more entertaining than mine seems to be shaping up to. Should I not post in a day or three or four you know where I am. Getting room service and all that good stuff, only thing missing will be nice pretty pink drinks with cool names and tiny umbrellas!!!! Later my peeps, be good, but not too very good so that you have no fun and I’ll be checking with everyone when I can!!!! Nite-nite!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
"The needs of the Navy", it was bound to happen again!

As most of you already know our son, David is in the Navy. His job is a MWD Handler (Military Working Dog); he has always been interested in law enforcement. His senior year of college he found out that Master at Arms (Navy law enforcement) was one of the very few jobs in which you can’t go to OCS (officers’ candidate school). Once he was made aware of that, it didn’t matter that he was in his first semester of his senior year of college. He was quitting school and joining the Navy, like now!!! What you do???? You have to let go and allow them to be an adult at some point in time. You give your blessings and support them even if it’s not what “you” would like them to do. So that’s exactly what we did, supported him in making his dreams happen!! He goes through all of the stuff one does to enlist in the military, gives us a date of March 6, 2006. My first question is that “written in stone”? He tells me no it could change at the “needs of the Navy”!! Never did I realize at that point in time, just how important those words would become over the next few years. He did leave on March 6, 2006 as he originally stated. Off he goes to basic and all seems to be well, we don’t hear from him often, a letter here and there. We were sent a letter a few weeks into basic stating graduation information and all of the information we’d need to make plans to attend!! I was so excited; I began counting the days until we were headed to “Great Lakes Naval Station”. Basic graduation was great!!!!! I balled my eyes out like a big baby the entire ceremony!!!!! Once I got my hands on my sailor the first thing I notice is how he had matured over that short eight week period of time. We and lots of other families were bursting with pride as we visited the city of Chicago with our brand new sailors!!! What a sight to see, something I’ll never ever forget!!
Shortly after we headed back to SC, David was headed to San Antonio, TX Lackland Air Force Base, where he would receive his Master’s At Arms training. A few weeks into training he tells us they had a MWD instructor come and talk with them about the changes going on within the program. The major change that would affect David and his training mates was you were no longer required to work a set amount of time nor be a certain rank in order to apply to the MWD program!!!!! Those changes became effective, “at the needs of the Navy”! This is great news for this training class; of course it did cause some animosity toward from those who weren’t that fortunate. David put in a request to continue his training in the MWD program, after a short wait that seemed really long, he was accepted. Great news for him and it just made us that much happier he was going to be working in a profession he loved!!! Lucky young man to say the least!! Mater’s At Arms training ends and there are few weeks before MWD training begins, what to do???? Remember those words, “at the needs of the Navy”, (are you seeing a pattern here of those words, keep paying attention they do keep popping up!!) it would be such a waste of time to sit around and just wait for the program to begin, so “at the needs of Navy”, David was granted leave!!! Great for us, he comes home and visits friends and family and hangs out and best of all we were able to take one more family vacation to our favorite beach!! All is grand!! Leave is over he is back at Lackland for MWD training. I’m not sure how many weeks this was but I know it was very intense, he learned lots and still had no orders for a future duty station. Time keeps slipping by and still no orders, he begins to get to the bottom of it, no clue as to what happened that he no order or why he still had no orders, it’s so late in the game so to say, it doesn’t look like David is going to get anything on his “wish list” of duty stations, great!! Here is where those words, “at the needs of the Navy”, pop up again!! It appears his duty station is going to be chosen you guessed it, “at the needs of the Navy”!!! Lucky for David those needs just happened to Pearl Harbor, HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow fabo, maybe this was all worth it now!!! Late October of 2006 he arrives at Pearl Harbor, begins working and loves his job. During this time he and a very nice young lady he had dated in the past and he begin “talking” as they call it. David lets us know some time around April or so he has requested leave for late May through late June of 2007. Great can’t wait to see you, shall we plan to go to the beach or what shall we do while you are home??? He sort of hesitates a bit and says well no beach I live on the beach remember?? OK, fine there where???? He then tells me that he and Kayla are planning to visit Gatlinburg, TN while he’s home. I oh OK sounds great, dad and I have never been, he clears his throat and says nothing, um David are you there, you OK????? He proceeds to tell me that if it’s OK he and Kayla were going alone, Oh sure sorry, didn’t mean to try to but in on your time sweetie, go have fun!!!!! I hear a sigh of relief in his voice for a few seconds. He asked me did I know why they were going to TN, um no not really, maybe a quick getaway or something such????? I hear that bit of uncertainty in his voice again; I ask if all is OK, he assures me yes all “should” be fine. So the mom in me says, “spell it son, what’s up, you are never ever at a loss for words, give it to me straight!!!! He then very calmly says, “Well mom if you’ll go to such and such jewelry store at the mall and ask for item # whatever, you’ll be able to see the engagement ring I just bought for Kayla, mom I plan to ask her to marry me while I’m home. “Wow, OK, great son, we are happy for you, are you sure this is what you want, you guys haven’t been together in a while and you know how the conversation went. So anyway he comes home visits for a few days, goes to her parents house for day (they live about 2.5 hours from us) so he ask her father for permission to marry Kayla, that still makes me tear up after all this time!!!! So proud of our son, always trying to do the right thing!!!! Long story short, daddy says yes, but better take good care of my little girl, David agrees. We throw a small engagement party before he has to report back to Pearl Harbor. A February 2009 wedding is sort of the date they are planning on no true date as of yet just that time frame give or take a month or so.
Shortly after getting back to Pearl Harbor, deployment becomes the huge topic of all conversations!!!!! OH no, we knew it could happen but!!! July comes, that is July of 2008, just weeks after being back from leave, and “the needs of the Navy” shows its ugly head!!! We find out not only is David deploying, he is deploying mid to late September of 2008. At that point he was to leave Pearl Harbor go to Camp Pendleton in CA for uniform and gear, he would be deploying with the Marines so he needed new uniforms and all Marine “stuff”. He was to spend a few weeks there, then on to Uma, AZ for “in country training”, with all being in “country” as in Iraq by late November early December. No clue how long deployment may be possibly six or nine months who knows how long. After lots of tears, lots of fear and major planning we are able to pull off a PERFECT beach wedding for them on 08/08/08!!!!!!!!!!! So after being married for two whole long weeks, David leaves Kayla on an island in which one can go no further than 40 approximately miles in each direction before hitting water!!!! Kayla settled in nicely, met a few wonderful girls who were there for her, they had all had spouses deploy before so they knew the ins and outs and the good, the bad and ugly!!!! Those girls were a life saver to Kayla, we are so thankful for those ladies to this day. They took our sweet very young 22 year daughter in law and helped her make an old ugly 1940’s style base housing into a home for David to come home to.
Deployment was tough for all of us to say the least. Kayla was 5,000 plus miles away from home, further than she had ever in her entire life been and for longer than ever away from home, all alone!!!!!!!! Of course that is until those wonderful ladies came to help her. We are so proud of Kayla for sticking it out for deployment all alone; she found a job doing hair shortly after passing her SC boards. I think those 9ish 10ish months were the longest time of my entire life, but he made it home safe and sound, ready to start a family of his own!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sure it was a tough adjustment period once he was home for both of them; again the friends stepped up and helped out with that process as well. About a month or two after he has been home, I get a phone call from David telling me Kayla is pregnant and they are so happy they can’t stand it!!!!!!!!!!!! About six months into her pregnancy we found out they have now have orders to go to Norfolk, VA!!!!!!!! Oh my oh my, is it really true, please tell me yes!!!!!! It was all very true so that makes them a five hour drive from us here in SC and only about two hours from my sisters in NJ!!!!! Life is great, Caroline is born in June, by November 5th we pick their dogs up at cargo in Charlotte, NC and two days later we pick up Caroline, David and Kayla up in Norfolk and bring them to SC for a 45 day leave. We spent lots of time doing a whole lot of nothing and hanging out with the baby and just having a grand old time!!!! Around December 5 they head to Norfolk and their new apartment which will be home for the next four years at least!!! We were lucky enough to spend Christmas with them, we got snowed in, and so all we did was VISIT!!! We enjoyed the “kids” and the baby more than I have words to describe!!!!!!!!
Life is good, we find out that David will be re-enlisting on February 3rd for the I think four maybe even six more years. It’s another excuse for us to go and visit and hang out with everyone!!!! So looking forward to spending about a week in Norfolk the first week of February. This is all fine and dandy and I’m excited to see my sweet lil Caroline and just give her the biggest hug and kiss Me-Me can find for her!!!! Then those words pop back up, dam it all to hell and back again!!!!!!!!!!!!! “At the needs of the Navy”, David will be deploying to Afghanistan sometime between 60 and 90 days!!!!! We don’t have an exact date yet, not sure if or when we will, it seems like we never did have an exact departure date from his first deployment. I have so many things going through my mind right now, I feel as if I’ve just rambled along this post without really saying anything at all!!!!! But then again I feel like that about all of my posts!!!! He is fine with going, he says he is ready for this, its job and he signed up for it and he’ll do it. I hate it, I really do but on the other hand I am so dam proud of that young man, I can’t even find words to express my feelings!!!!! I’m sure there are people out there who are thinking or even brave enough to say it, “well no body made him join, he knew the country was at war when he signed on the dotted line and every other thing you could think of and more. Yes, he did say yes, yes he did sign on the dotted line, yes he has gotten “called to duty” and he is going, no questions asked on his part, that makes me proud of our son. So I’ve said all of this to say if you hate the war, hate the military, think he was crazy to join or any other negative thing that comes to mind, please don’t write it here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, FYI…………………………most of the guys over there fighting and the ones who have been or are going or whatever all pretty much think the war sucks big time, and would like it to be over, there are even some who feel they shouldn’t be there fighting, BUT they go and they do their job because that’s what they signed up to do, at the needs of the Navy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry this is so long, I went over it for hours trying to see what can be left out or how I can shorten this or that but you know sometimes I just got to go with your heart and go with my heart I did!!!!! I have a huge favor from you my internet friends, would mind keeping my son and all of the others in your thoughts and prayers, please??? That would just mean the world to me to know that people that I have never laid eyes on nor you on me are hoping and praying for David to come back home to Caroline, Kayla and the rest of his family who all love him and are so proud of him!!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to read this, I’m sorry I know it’s long, a lot longer than I ever meant for it to be!!! Thanks again friends!! I haven’t been around to anyone’s blogs today but hope to catch up tomorrow.
Good night friends
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