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Just a lil FYI......I write here for me and me only. I hope to use this space to help me remember the good, the bad and the ugly!!! I may also voice my feelings on a few things here and there, if you don't agree with them, cool and please do feel free to let me know. BUT....(there's always a "but" huh???) be nice these are MY feelings and thoughts and it's MY blog so again be nice!!! Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you will check back often as I'm really trying to make myself post more often. Sometimes just writing things down help to get things off my chest so to say, and it does me feel better.

Monday, July 25, 2011

David Rocky, Sentor McCain and another MWD Team


First of all I have no clue as to why all these posts are showing up in random order, it's crazy. Blogger won't even allow me to leave comments to ther bloggers on even my own site. Sentor McCain and several others visited the troops on July 4th to thank them for their service. I don't like to talk politics, but Mr. McCain is a fabo man, I have read his books and truly enjoy reading American history, it's always been a great love of mine. I have read just about every president we have had and many VP's too. It's interesting to hear about what life was like for them before they become the big "dog". Have a great day.
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