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Just a lil FYI......I write here for me and me only. I hope to use this space to help me remember the good, the bad and the ugly!!! I may also voice my feelings on a few things here and there, if you don't agree with them, cool and please do feel free to let me know. BUT....(there's always a "but" huh???) be nice these are MY feelings and thoughts and it's MY blog so again be nice!!! Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you will check back often as I'm really trying to make myself post more often. Sometimes just writing things down help to get things off my chest so to say, and it does me feel better.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Daily Mobile Photo Post #16 Reese


Reese is doing a great job of vaccuming my kitchen floor for me. This is the sweetest little girl you could ever meet. Her mom is a single mom and works so hard as well as goes to school to make a better life for them both. I have the most respect for Bethany, Reese's mom, she has no public assistance nor child support, just good old hard work. Our daughter Melissa and Bethany have been friends since early HS years. Between Melissa and another friend Reese is well taken care of while mom is at school or work. Which means that Reese is often at our house and we just love it. Reese just turned two years old in late June, we were sort of late getting her gifts to her, but it didn't seem to matter one single bit to Reese. She played and played the entire time she was here, between swimming and running around playing with her new toys she was out before Melissa left the neighborhood. Reese is a job to have around, she is talking more and more every single day. I love her little voice, it melts my heart everytime I hear her. I have a rather long post I'm putting together about the horrible company we had last week, when I say horrible trust me it's horrible!!! Here's a small peak at how bad, Kayla and I came home from the grocery store to find Bethany and Reese sitting outside on our patio, Reese playing, Bethany crying. Melissa met us at the door to tell us Sandy my sister in law had woke Caroline up from her nap, then YELLED at Reese that she woke her!!!!! So Bethany felt really bad and went outside and wouldn't allow Reese back inside for fear she would bother someone. Well you'll just have to wait to hear the rest, trust me it was ugly and Reese and Bethany were both brought inside. I was fuming I swear right now I heart is racing I'm still so dam mad about it!!!! Who in their right mind yells at a two year old??? Who in their right mind wakes a one year old up from her nap less than an hour after she went down??????? My stupid prescription pill adiccted sister in law that's who!!!! Trust me it go real ugly and I'll fill you in on the details in a day or two. Be sure to check back it's worth your time, but first grab a drink it'll be a long one for sure!!!! Have a great day.
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