Thanks for stopping by!

Just a lil FYI......I write here for me and me only. I hope to use this space to help me remember the good, the bad and the ugly!!! I may also voice my feelings on a few things here and there, if you don't agree with them, cool and please do feel free to let me know. BUT....(there's always a "but" huh???) be nice these are MY feelings and thoughts and it's MY blog so again be nice!!! Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you will check back often as I'm really trying to make myself post more often. Sometimes just writing things down help to get things off my chest so to say, and it does me feel better.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two Posts in day?? Wow!

I need lots of help with this blog thing, k? I want to post pictures of my dogs, well I guess some of my family too, anyone who has the scoop on how to make that happen feel free to let me know OK?? For your hard work you will be rewarded with photos of my wonderful fur-kids and maybe even some of my human family. WARNING: I take far more photos of my fur-kids than anyone else who lives or doesn't live with me, you are warned, OK?? I don't have a problem with, and hope you won't either!! OK go back to your day and I'll do the same. Also thanks to all of you wonderful people who took the time to come and read my blog and even leave my comments!!!! It really made me smile!!! Thanks again!!!!


Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

marie, its very simple but depending on where you want to put the photo.
if you want to include it in your blog,and you have saved the pics in your pc, all you need to do is click the "add image" button in your new post window and you will be given instruction how to upload it there.
if you want to embed them in your sidebar, then go to photobucket and upload all those pics there. after you're done you click on the given HTML and you embed them in your blog using "add a gadget" in the layout page.

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

i found the new blogger dashboard far easier to use with pictures...
start in here

way better photo control
but no spell check!!!!!!


I agree I go through blogger dashboard also, to add a photo to your blog(down the side bar where your profile is), just do what odette said, you can though however just add the pictures from the "my pictures option" on your computer, (windows, I don't know with a Mac) without setting up any other account.
I have found trial and error, it may appear overwhelming at first, just take your time and play around abit. Before you know it you will be a pro :)